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Huawei Russia Environmental Health & Safety Policy

1. Purpose

EHS Policy is develop to fulfill the requirement of ISO 45001:2018 standard that top management shall establish, implement and maintain occupational health & safety policy.

2. Applicability

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (Russia).

3. Environmental Health & Safety Policy

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (Russia) is the Russian legal entity, which belongs to group of Huawei – a company, founded in 1987, a leading global supplier of ICT infrastructure and smart devices.

Occupational safety is an area of ​​special concern for the Company and we intend to competently conduct our activities in the field of environmental health and safety, based on careful planning of work, correct execution, scrupulous evaluation of results and the intention to continuously improve them.

We must:

  • comply with relevant legal, regulatory and other obligations,

  • maintain a safe working environment to prevent work-related accidents and deterioration of health,

  • prevent injuries and harm to the health of employees by planning work based on the identification of hazards, assessment and control of the risks associated with them, as well as the exclusion or elimination of hazards and risk reduction,

  • regularly train employees on the requirements of the environmental health& safety management system and maintain their competence in these areas,

  • hold consultations and provide participation of workers of the Company in the planning, application, assessment and improvement of health and safety management systems,

  • promote the interest of employees of all levels to comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements,

  • establish and enforce the control for contractors and suppliers in the field of environmental health and safety, ensure their implementation,

  • thoroughly analyze inconsistencies, incidents and problems in the field of occupational health and safety, find and eliminate their root causes or reduce the risks of recurrence, learn the necessary lessons,

  • continuously improve the health and safety management systems and improve the results of functioning based on regular analysis, the best practices of the Company, the global Huawei company and the industry, provide the necessary resources for this,

  • ensure transparency of activities and results in the field of labor protection, occupational safety for the relevant stakeholders.

Approved by: Zhou Danjin
April 26, 2021

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